First, the tool is not available directly from the Webmaster Tools navigation. You must log in with owner-level access and enter the disavow link page. You'll see something like this: Main Disavow Links Screen Before continuing, you will need a list of links that you want to disavow. and is a hybrid of flat files you upload, as opposed to files (only it doesn't have to reside on your server). The text file can be a combination of comments, links to block, and domains to block, and it looks like this: Example disavow text.
There are really only three options for the file at this point: Comment with Every link from that domain moible number data will be disavowed, even potentially good links. Google also says that while they generally respect subdomains, it's a bit open to interpretation. So I would be very careful if you have bad links from one subdomain and good links from the root domain. Remember our doghouse example from Section 2? this is me.
Here's what our disavow file actually looks like: The actual disavow text file is returned to Webmaster Tools, clicked, and you'll get a warning. Click the button again and you'll get the same warning along with the file upload options: Reject link warning and upload Click to select the file and browse to the file on your local computer (again, it doesn't have to be on your server). I named mine but don't seem to care what name you use. Click Submit and the screen will change to reflect the uploaded file: Reject link to upload confirmation if you did everything correctly.